Moving GCP Billing to Bespin
Moving your Google Cloud Platform (GCP) billing to Bespin is a simple 4-step process.
Before starting the process, please make sure:
- You have "owner" rights for the GCP projects that you wish to move and inform your GCP Account ID (email address) to Bespin contact or sales executive.
- You are added as "Billing Account Administrator" for Bespin's new billing account. Once we receive your GCP account ID, we will add you as a billing admin, and you will receive an email that looks like this.
- You don't have any CUDs or remaining credits that are still in effect. If you have any, please consult with your Bespin contact before moving the billing account.
Once you are ready with the above,
[Step 1]. Open Google Cloud Console --> Click [Billing] on Console page --> Click [My Projects]
[Step 2]. Go to [Actions] on the right side of the project name that you want to move, click [3 dots], and select [Change billing account].
[Step 3]. Select billing account [BespinUS_YOUR_COMPANY_NAME] in the dropdown menu and click [Set Account]
[Step 4]. If you have multiple projects to move, repeat steps 2 and 3 for each project.
Congratulations! Now you've linked your billing account to Bespin so that we can start working together to get the most out of your cloud!